TROIKA Business Blog

Desk Sharing: Revolutionise your workplace

Written by Lara Kral | Sep 11, 2023 8:20:22 AM


Is your company facing a restructuring of the working environment and looking for efficient and innovative solutions? Desk sharing, also known as workspace sharing, could be the answer.

This is a concept where several employees share the same workspace. But what exactly is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and what rules should be followed?  In this article you will learn more about how it can revolutionise your workplace. 

What is desk sharing and what is behind the concept of desk sharing?

Desk sharing is based on the idea that workstations are no longer permanently assigned to a specific employee. Instead, several people share the same workspace, depending on who is in the office and when. The concept was developed to make more efficient use of space and reduce costs, as well as to encourage collaboration and communication within the company. 

Desk sharing: advantages and disadvantages

Desk sharing offers many advantages. Firstly, costs can be saved through the efficient use of office space. Secondly, this concept promotes flexibility for employees by allowing them to choose their workspace depending on the agenda, project or mood. Thirdly, it can improve team communication and collaboration as employees are no longer physically separated from each other.

Despite the many advantages, the desk-sharing concept also has some disadvantages. Some employees might find the lack of a fixed workstation annoying. In addition, sharing a desk may mean that employees have to carry their personal items, such as their thermo mug or lunch box, with them at all times. This might be inconvenient for some, but it reinforces the mobility and flexibility aspect of the desk-sharing concept. Finally, conflicts can arise if there are no clear rules for the use of shared workstations.


Tip: We offer a variety of items for your desk, such as the "HEISS & KALT" thermos flask or high-quality designer pens from the CONSTRUCTION & PENS category, which can make everyday work easier in a desk-sharing concept. 

Effects of desk sharing on employee health?

Desk sharing can have both positive and negative effects on the health of employees. This includes both physical aspects, such as the ergonomics of the workplace, and psychological aspects, such as the possible stress caused by a lack of privacy.

On the physical side, desk sharing can mean that employees' individual ergonomic requirements are not always met. With a fixed workstation, each employee can set up their workspace according to their height and needs. With desk sharing, on the other hand, employees have to adapt and may have to change the settings every day.

On the psychological side, the lack of privacy in a desk-sharing concept can lead to stress and discomfort. Some employees may feel uncomfortable constantly sharing their workspace and not having a personal "home" in the office. The constant switching between different desks can also lead to cognitive strain and increased stress.

However, there are also positive aspects in terms of employee health. Desk sharing can lead to a more dynamic work environment that encourages more movement and interaction as well as variety. Employees who previously sat far away from each other now come closer to each other and can engage in exchanges. This in turn can lead to improved well-being and a more positive attitude towards work and colleagues.

Ultimately, the impact of desk sharing on employee health depends heavily on the specific implementation of the concept. A well-designed concept that takes into account employees' needs and preferences can minimise many of the potential drawbacks and promote employee health and satisfaction.

Desk sharing rules: how to design successful desk sharing

To overcome the challenges of desk sharing, clear rules should be established for the use of shared workstations. Here are some important points that should be considered:

  • Clear guidelines for the booking and use of workstations
  • A system for cleaning and maintaining the workspace
  • Rules for the of storage of personal belongings and bags
  • Consideration and respect towards colleagues

Desk sharing in the workplace: with flexibility and creativity to success

A successful desk sharing workplace concept requires flexibility and creativity. It is important that the concept is aligned with the needs and culture of the company. Establishing quiet zones, creative areas and communication islands can help create a work environment that promotes diversity and collaboration.

Is desk sharing right for your business?

Introducing desk sharing can be challenging, but it also offers a wealth of benefits. With the right rules in place and the support of all employees, it can help reduce costs, increase collaboration and improve employee satisfaction. It is also an opportunity to encourage flexibility and innovation. A well-designed workplace is essential.

TROIKA recommends: Pay attention to how desk sharing fits into your existing business model. Consider both short-term and long-term aspects and be prepared to adapt and optimise the concept over time. After all, a successful implementation of desk sharing is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process.